Friday, July 25, 2008

Night terrors

Friends, this is one of the very first times there is no passionate optimism. I haven't been sleeping well and I feel like I'm sleep-blogging right now. I'm in a very gray patch in my life. I just woke up from a very heavy sleep... I think. I'd only been asleep for about two and a half hours and I was having a terrible dream. I don't remember what it was about, but thank God I was woken up by a text from Jennifer. I guess it didn't help that I fell asleep listening to Grace (see above).

If you haven't figured it out, it's been a rough summer. I think that tonight was where everything sort of went overboard. I realize now that I'm different than before. I still don't know the extent really, but I'm definitely more easily tired and I'm burned out. I'm much more sad. I spent half an hour crying in the bathtub tonight. I don't really know why.

I'm just hoping that I don't become one of those people with extreme, uncontrollable night terrors. That would suck.

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